It is common to think of being your best as entirely an effort event. Yes, effort is a part of it but I believe a larger part is LIFESTYLE! The picture is my daughter after playing 10 matches of volleyball over the Fathers Day weekend. I am most proud of her not because of the results but because of all her preparation for such an event. There are countless professional athletes who are attributing their being able to play longer and better because of a healthy lifestyle. I remember a athlete once saying “the games are easy, my preparation is the challenge.” Unfortunately we live in a “now” society. How do we feel now? What are we doing now? What is happening in our world now? One of my favorite quotes, “If you want to know your past, look at your present conditions. If you want to know your future, look at you present actions.” Preparation is key. Prepare for success. Prepare for greatness. Prepare for health and wellness. Move well, eat well, think well and get adjusted because we all have stresses of life that put us out of alignment. Just as our car runs better when it is aligned, our bodies function better when we are adjusted. Our thoughts and actions today are the seeds that will grow to the weeds or fruit of tomorrow. Are you planting seeds of weeds or seeds of fruit?
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