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Prayer, Action, Adjustments

SONY DSCIt is obvious a lot of our friends and family have fallen upon some tough times.  I believe everyone in S. Florida knows someone that is dealing with the after effects of the recent hurricanes and earthquakes.  Personally, my wife is from Puerto Rico and we have family and friends that are all trying to cope and to rebuild. 

As one of my Christian brother would say we need to “storm the heavens with prayer.”  Strength is found in God and we all need extra strength.  The good Lord gives us all wisdom, energy, will power and peace to get through all of this and to build a better Puerto Rico, Mexico, Keys, Naples and everywhere else effected.  Let’s all let the Lord know we want and need His strength. 

We must all take action.  Let’s all help in whatever way we can.  Whether it is through donations, physical presence, personal resources or Spirtual support we all need to help out where we can.  A patient shared how last weekend he took his daughter down to the Keys to hand out water and food to locals working hard to rebuild.  Beautiful!  Action is the seed of progress. 

With physical and mental strength we all are better.  Many of us are under a tremendous amount of physical and mental / emotional stress.  All this has effects on your body.  Most of us have all felt the power of an adjustment that release the energy that runs our body.  Don’t let all the tension and stress build up until we are in crisis.  Without health it is very difficult to be our best and be the best for others.  Listen to your body and get an adjustment if needed. 

Blessings from above, peace and health!

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