Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care recognizes the innate intelligence that each person is born with. This intelligence uses the nervous system to do all the incredible things a body can do. Through skilled hands, modern technology and gentle techniques we are able to remove interferences (subluxations) in the nervous system that are preventing people from healing themselves.
An adjustment allows for proper correction and function of the spine and promotes optimal healing.”
Dr. Page
Gonstead Technique
Our adjustments are given in a very specific and selective manner using the Gonstead Technique. “On each visit we provide patients with a good scientific chiropractic adjustment,” added Dr. Page. He chose to predominantly use Gonstead as it allows us to care for patients across the spectrum. These include delicate infants, active toddlers, sedentary office workers and older seniors.
Thermal Scan
This type of non-invasive scan measures temperature. When nervous system disturbances are found along the spine, there are frequently temperature differences from side to side. These differences are due to inflammation and changes in blood flow. Our thermal scan shows the condition of your autonomic nervous system that controls your organs, glands and circulatory system.
Various health issues can be traced to the spine, wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees and other joints of the body. Extremities adjusting is available to address problems in these parts of the body.
Get the Nutrition You Need With Standard Process®
In addition to chiropractic care, we also provide nutrition guidance. Dr. Page will recommend particular Standard Process supplements based on his consultation with you and your particular condition. For our patients’ convenience, Standard Process supplements can be ordered from our website.
Book an Appointment
Contact Page Chiropractic Life Center today to schedule a convenient appointment!